
Affiliate, MLM, and other Programs that Do work.

Hi, Thought I would bring some affiliate , MLM , and other online programs that are profitable or have a very good potential for significant income stream.


This one has good earning potential as an affiliate program and also has a good product. Wordpress ready, slightly more expensive a month then godaddy but it has its merit. The affiliate program has multiple levels and a nice pay out per sale.
If you refer 1 or more account in a month, you will receive $25.00 for every referral (including your first 1).
If you refer 6 or more accounts in a month, you will receive $50.00 for every referral (including your first 6).
If you refer 16 or more accounts in a month, you will receive $75.00 for every referral (including your first 16).
Good payout and product.

Power Bar Club

Yes this one is excellent. I spoke about this one last month in depth, to check that out click here. Not much to look at in the beginning but this MLM program can be very lucrative if it gets going. Basically its a bar that you install in your browser, then when you feel like it just click on the ads button and make some money. It has seven levels of downline so it can start to add up. Only down side is that this one starts very small. Every ad you click on is only worth .003 of a cent. However if you get 3 others to join and they get 3 others and so on, it will become a significant stream of online income.


This is a Google Adsense alternative that so far has been very profitable. It allows you to set up different ways to advertise. Not just a block of ads but also the text of your site can be monetized, as well as pop down ads and other different ways. You are not only payed on the clicks but also on impressions , which is a nice change. As well as a referral program. I do recommend this one if you have been rejected or canceled from Google Adsense. (If you are about to receive your first check, I wouldn't get my hopes up, instead bookmark this page. Google is notorious for canceling peoples accounts just before the first payout.)

Site Build It!

This one is excellent, I speak of it in more length here. This one I must admit I have not personally tried, but I know many people who have and the results are impressive. Its a complete package, they help you at every step of developing and implementing a successful website. The price tag is what has kept me from taking advantage of this one, its around $300. I think that price will keep many others from purchasing this one also . However they do offer an affiliate program that is the best I have ever seen, they really work hard and provide you with everything you need to be successful.

And more but I think this post is long enough, well until next time.


90 day mark, and then some

Hay just wanted to let everyone know that this blog has been up and running for 94 days! I've been so busy that I didn't even notice. I really have developed a new appreciation for bloggers. This business is REALLY hard work. It has its down side and upside and so many different areas to keep track of. I really think one blogger has to do the work of an entire office!

The blogger has to create content: That in itself has many sub levels, research, 'getting ideas' , then putting it down in a way that wont be confusing, but easy to understand and so on.

Marketing: The blogger has to do all the marketing, that means commenting on other blogs,forums, getting involved with link exchanges, marketing on social media twitter,facebook, myspace and the multitude of others. Payed advertising, adwords and so on.

Webmaster: That includes finding and installing all the new gadgets out there , I think this one could be a full time job in itself. Updating code to a better layout. Most of the time you have to be your own tech support.

Learning: Never ends, always keeping up with the new techniques and ways to make the above jobs easier and more productive.

Make Money: And last but by no means least, the point of the whole exercise for most bloggers, to make money. Perhaps the most difficult for the beginning blogger, and extremely time consuming.

Yet I find I really like it lol. I think because with so many jobs one has no time or opportunity to become bored. If I get bored I just move on to one of my other jobs that probably is in serious need of my attention. All in all its been a great adventure and learning process that I have really enjoyed. Anyway will Post after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Have all a Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless.

If I've missed a job in the multitude above, please do comment about it. Thanks.


Programs that just dont work, or are fake..

Back again ,
wanted to bring a progress report of sorts to the blog. A report on the affiliate programs that I have talked about on here before. How they did, what the cost was and if the program was profitable. Now I'm fairly sure that if you threw enough money at these programs they probably could work ,but that's not the goal of this site. This site is to bring you profitable affiliate programs you don't have to be rich to use. So on my modest budget I gave these programs a try and they flopped, fizzled and were overall duds. So here is my list of shame!!!

My dish biz

Not one red cent out of this one. They say that they advertise for you for 1 year for free, and by all indications this is true, however not sure who or where they advertise but nobody is buying dish network from them. In little less then 60 days I had about 500 visitors, and about 1500 page views and no sales at all . Many people online have said that if you think about all the people that have signed up for this one and that have identical affiliate pages that they are advertising for, that this could be the reason the sales are so low, and that the chances of you getting your page anywhere near the top of google or yahoo or any other search engine are remote at best. Granted I didn't launch an all out marketing campaign , I didn't get adwords or anything else, I promoted it on twitter and here and other places. I didn't do any offline marketing either. Offline could be where its at with this program but I have a very limited budget and even more limited time. So I have applied to get my money back, it comes with a guarantee, so I will be letting you know if they give me my money back or if this is a scam after all.


Well not sure why this one failed. No body signed up for this one, it gives you a website of your own and an affiliate program that could generate nice cash if you get enough sign ups. I did notice that after I signed up , that the tools they offer to help you with your website were not as good as the competition. The company is geared for making money and getting people to sign up, not necessarily to help you build a site. Again I'm sure if I had thousands to spend on a marketing campaign I could have generated nice money from this one but that's out of my budget range. I believe in these economic times people don't have thousands to spend on a risky internet venture.

Acme People Search

This one kind of fizzled when I had to cancel my GDI website. It never made any money and it just seemed very cheesy to me. Even the name sounds cheesy 'Acme', what am I? Wile E. Coyote ? Anyway, this one also claimed it would take care of the advertising, I got hits on it, just no sales. But the components of the website were very interesting. I think I could make a site just like it(well with a better layout and name ofcourse) set up a pay per search box and some links to clickbank products that would interest the people who are visiting the site. At least I got some good ideas from it, perhaps for a new site of my own.

Thats it for now, check back next time...


0 investment! free advertising, great opportunity

Hi, just wanted to talk more about 'the bar', I spoke on it briefly in my last post. Well wanted to let you in on something , this bar is very interesting with lots of potential and I want us to give it a good try, you get seven levels of down line so that means basically that if you sign up 10 people and they sign up 10 people all 7 levels down, you are making around the ball park of 40k a month! Now not sure about you but thats the park I want to be in.

So here is where the free advertising comes in!
For a limited time , I will put up on my site a banner for the bar. Now if you sign up with me in this, and by the way the program is free and totally non intrusive(you wont know its there), I will put the ad with your member number! So I will have a rotating banner with your member number in there getting traffic and clicks while you surf! Rotating from member to member.
Click here.

I will help build your downline!

Why? Well because the more I help you the more I get paid! Very simple :)
I mean its free and I've forgotten its there, just spend maybe 2min a day clicking on ads for a potential $40k a month! Where you going to find that online?

So will be back next time with another great opportunity!

Non Intrusive And Free income stream

Found a new app that has alot of potential, its called the powerbar . Its basically a small , non intrusive bar that you put on your browser. You hit it, it drops a bunch of ads and you click and boom you get paid! That's really not where the money comes in, you get alot more from sharing it with others, you get some of what others make so it can snow ball into a very serious and significant income stream.

So got a site, Now what?

So now as to what we have so far, So we have some apps to get us started and we have lots of great webmasters to help us on the way and we have a website so whats next? Well next you need to figure out what you want the site to be about. I would choose the several programs I have listed before and set up a landing page or a capture page at your new site. Then start a blog to promote it and get traffic to it. Websites are a lot different then blogs. They are more static then blogs and in that way easier compared to blogs. This free tutorial is ideal for those of you who want to learn how to create a business or personal website from scratch. Download here.

Well hope thats been helpful, will return with more great opportunities to help with your online business ,so check back often.

Pick the hosting company that pays you back!

Back with the continuation,

So doesn't matter what you learn and do if you don't have a website to make money with. I have chosen affiliate marketing as my primary source of income for my online business.
Well lots of hosting companies have come up over the years, so which one do you choose?


GDI is an amazing hosting company. First lets get the investment part over with, its only $10 a month. That's it, no registration fee, no processing fee, nothing. Just $10 and you get your own web site that you can design yourself, a personalized address on the world wide web, and up to 10 custom email accounts! So yea that's great,but whats the diff from this and godaddy for example. Well its the affiliate program they offer! They pay you to get people signed up! First they give you $100 bonus for every 5 people that you sign up in a week,that is unlimited! so if you sign up 15 people in a week you make $300. They have alot more bonuses, but that's not all either!

Residual Income is where its at! ;)

On top of the bonuses you get residual income! You get $1 for every person every month, yea yea I know, a dollar? Yes! you get 5 levels of down line! that means if you get 30 people signed up and those people get just 2 more people and so on, for 5 levels, you get around $1000 a month! Lots of people get alot more then just 30 , check this video out to see the real potential of this awsome program!

Just a $10 investment!
I mean its really great opportunity for just a small investment, can you afford to let this one go?
I have signed up with them and here is my site with the video so you can see that this is a very serious and legit online business opportunity. And its free for the first 7 days!

Well , I'll be back soon to show you more online opportunities.

Free software to help make your online business profitable!

Hay back for the continuation,
Next: because of the fantastic sites that I listed in my last post, I have found some great free programs that really help to make this online business profitable.

Great program with lots of features for the online entrepreneur!
It helps you to research your keyword niche and build a list of the most effective and relevant to optimize your website!
Find out what changes you should apply to your pages so that they have a better chance to appear among the top-ten listing of the popular search engines.
Get listed, find link partners, manage ppc campaigns, and More!
All for the very cool price of ...(drum roll)... FREE!

" 3 is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. It is available in many languages and works on all common computers. It stores all your data in an international open standard format and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely FREE of charge for any purpose."
And I really like this one, its got tons of different functions and it works great,so far no bugs.

Great browser, a little glitchy. Seems to be a ram sink at times. nuff said.

And some more that I will list on later posts, but these are the top ones that I have found to be very useful.

To be continued..


Hi, this is just a basic overview of what I have learned so far in internet business, making money online. Also the tools and the people that have helped me learn and simplified many tasks.
So whats the first thing?

Got God?
He is the most important part of my life and I am thankful to Him for everything I have , so of course He would be a crucial part of this business. I pray to Him as much as I can, ask Him for guidance and help with this business. He never lets me down unlike everyone else including myself. So if you are a Christian then I would suggest to go to Him! He is the source of all blessings and is eager to bless you, if you are not a Christian then this is your lucky day! Click here, this will explain what I mean a lot better then I could do it.

Learn Learn and hay Learn more !
Yea, I thought once I left high school I wouldn't have to learn anything else, HA! It seems we never stop learning and this business has soooo much to learn! So I suggest going to websites that are direct to the point and helpful, be warned some so called internet wiz kids are not interested in teaching/helping but more into selling junk and talking about themselves and how much money they have made. Some awsome sites that I have learned a considerable amount are:

This website is GREAT! It looks great and has a wealth of information and tips that can really get your business off to a great start! I check this site often for the latest info and advice on how to get better at this.

Lisa Irby
This is another site I get alot of help from, she also has tons of youtube videos that are very helpful and informative.

Yaro Starak
This is another excellent site, but I must confess sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the amount of information on this site. However it is great and exhaustive.

And others but I don't want this post to go forever lol, to be continued....

Dish network, too good to be true?

Hay , back again with a new opportunity for possible online income!
I have found this Dish network affiliate opportunity!
I have signed up for it, here is my affiliate site.
It sounds interesting , they set up your affiliate site, they give you FREE advertising for 1 Year! They give you offline tools,(like fliers and more) the offline stuff is very interesting, its offered in both English or Spanish. They offer it like a coupon to get savings on dish network, it has an ad code and a confirmation code so when they call both codes must be told to the operator in order for the coupon to work, this guarantees that you get the credit!

Hows $120 a pop sound?
they pay you $120 for everyone that signs up or more. I mean it really sounds nice! You don't have to worry about advertising for 1 year and you get $120 per person that signs up.

What you wont get!
Here is what you wont get..
NO Financial Risk Whatsoever! NO Personal Selling Is Involved! NO Computer Experience Required! NO Business Background Needed! NO Prospecting or Cold Calling! NO Costly Advertising To Do! NO Pressuring Friends And Family! NO Internet Marketing Skills Needed!

NO Monthly Membership Fees!

So Whats the catch?

Well they do ask for a one time fee of $35, but they have a %100 refund 60 day guarantee. If your not satisfied in 60 days they refund your money no problem. So its a no risk deal, at worst it can help finance your other sites (advertising, buying site build it!...)

So I signed up for it and I will be back in 60 days to give a full review , If it works you will know it, and if it crashes you will know it too!

Till next time

Great Free Entrepreneur Program!

Hi , back again with some great tools to help you with work from home business!

Perfect program to help you work from home more efficiently!

I found this free program as I was tirelessly looking online for new tools to bring to you, its called Web Ceo, its really a nice program, it helps you figure out what is the best niche to get into by telling you how saturated it is, and also helps analize your page to see how well your takeing advantage of the right key words. Also it submits your site to search engines and more. If your thinking of starting a work from home business online, then you should check this one out. Time saver for the hard working entrepreneur.

Great affiliate programs for the online entrepreneur!

This is an interesting affiliate program, its called 'acme-people-search' ,you get paid every time someone searches for someone. I've taken a look at the scam sites and this one has mostly good comments, bout 90%, its free to sign up. I think this one should at least merit a closer look.
You can check out my other affiliate programs on this post.

Well that's it for today, see you next time with more tools ,affiliate programs, and business opportunities for the online Entrepreneur.

Site What It??


Just wanted to talk some about Site Build It! Below , A program I am about to start and that I am very excited about.

Why? well because SBI! makes online business success do-able. Anyone can succeed with an all-in-one process, tools, and guidance. The process is simplified to such a degree that success (i.e., profits, not the mere presence of a Web site) is achievable even for a beginner. For an experienced person, achieving success is even smoother.

I mean its just not a "site builder."

You don't need to worry about looking for separate hosting, paying for a separate keyword research tool, handling site submissions, integrating autoresponders, etc., etc. See the full list of features here -- pick the most relevant ones for you and your reader. SBI! removes the technical barriers allowing you to keep your attention on building your business. Many functions are completely automated. You don't need to know anything upfront about building a Web site in order to succeed. The tedious, "under-the-hood" stuff is handled automatically so you can focus on other important business-building activities.

(If you want to learn how Elad is doing, click here )

Too many non-SBI! sites start without profits being "built into" the process from DAY 1. It all begins with the right process. Content Traffic PREsell Monetize is the underlying, logical and powerful process that capitalizes upon the fundamental realities of how people use the Web. C T P M puts you on a solid, profitable business foundation.

Not sure what to call your new website?

What name would give you the best chance to succeed?SBI! includes domain name analysis, optimization, and registration. You will develop the best name for maximum profitability in your niche. (It's often different than what you had planned.)

Search engine traffic!

To announce your site to Search Engines, you need to submit a specialized file called a "Sitemap XML" file. SBI! does it all automatically, a huge time saver, that enables you to quickly achieve wider distribution and attract more targeted free traffic.

Search Engine spider/listing/ranking reports let you see how your pages are being handled by the Search Engines. You can see what pages rank best and drive traffic. Each report's insights help you to determine how to increase traffic and monetization. Most pros don't have easy and reliable access to this type of information.

Traffic Stats and Click Analysis help you understand what your visitors like most. Understanding them helps you know what to write about, which in turn leads to more and more business.

SBI! includes Value Exchange (VE) for finding and managing high value inbound links (another criteria for ranking highly at the engines and building traffic). This automated inbound link-building tool saves time for what is otherwise a tedious time-sucker.

SBI! includes an easy-to-use form builder with autoresponders. You can build contact forms, surveys, and polls to easily communicate with your visitors. You don't need to use your e-mail address, which attracts spam. Experienced users will appreciate no longer needing separate form-building tools. Having these tools all in one place saves time and expense, too.

List-building and e-mail marketing are included (usually these expensive features are bought separately). Sign up visitors to your e-zine subscription list and then mail an issue to them. This repeat exposure builds a stronger bond with your visitors and allows for direct promotions to them. Deeper PREselling = More Monetization.

Automatic site blogging turns your site into a blog easily. You'll enjoy all the benefits of a blog without needing extra skills or additional software. For those experienced with blogging, auto-pinging for your SBI! blog keeps your site on the Search Engines' radar. All of this helps attract more traffic.

SBI! has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee. It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.

Need to know how to make an internet app?

Back again, still not as often as I would like but so be it. So you want to make your own software and sell it to the public or to the highest bidder?!?! Well found a FREE ebook that should help, you can find it here. I haven't read through the whole thing yet but it seems very exhaustive. Also found another free ebook, this one gives some info about making money online ,its called 'how to make your first $500 online in just thirty days' , very interesting and free.

Hope these two submissions will be useful, if your looking for some affiliate programs that are great for getting you some profits on your website , check out this post where I list several well paying affiliate programs.

Well back to moving , hopefully I can get it done by this week.. I hope...

Start a Web Hosting company!

Found a new program that has interesting potential, you could actually become your own web hosting company! Its a called Site5 ,not just a website for you, but for anybody and you charge them for it!
Here is how they explain it..

"Starting your own web hosting business has never been easier. We now offer 3 diverse reseller plans which all enable you to literally become your own host, and to start offering high-end hosting services to your friends, family, and other potential customers within a matter of hours! Each plan includes absolutely everything you will need to get your budding hosting business off the ground, including generous RAID-protected disk space and premium bandwidth allotments, IP addresses, private name servers, a professional client-management, support, and billing system, and so much more! This really is the all-in-one solution for any aspiring hosting company!"

But if your not looking for that just yet, they also offer your own site. A place you can park your home page, its about $7.95 a month(they have as low as $4.95 ,but I would go with the mid program), they offer a 60-day money back guarantee! They also offer (for $7.95) UNLIMITED web space, traffic and websites! So you could have 5 or 8 websites with this hosting company for the same price!!

very economic, but that's not all , also a very nice affiliate program that could turn into an online income stream.

If you refer 1 or more account in a month, you will receive $25.00 for every referral (including your first 1).
If you refer 6 or more accounts in a month, you will receive $50.00 for every referral (including your first 6).
If you refer 16 or more accounts in a month, you will receive $75.00 for every referral (including your first 16).
Your minimum payout amount is $1.00!!

So give them a look see and check out all the features!

Adsense a scam?

I'm back.
I'm still working on the move so I cant get to this blog as much as I would like, but just wanted to share something. I came home yesterday to find that my adsense account had been terminated. No reason was given other than a rather nebulous 'something wrong with my clicks'.
I wonder how many small, just starting out bloggers get an email of 'something wrong with your clicks' just before the $100 payout??

No proof was offered, I had to take their word on it. I appealed with a 'I don't know what could be wrong with my clicks', because I don't. They responded with a very nicely put 'we don't care if you don't know about the clicks that we don't want to show you but we think are strange' reply.

So here I am now , in shock.. stunned by the sheer arrogance of this company(and slightly sickened). So I thought to myself , I wont let this get me down. In fact this will help me! This is just the kick in the rear I needed to get to serious work and develop serious success! So I said to hell with adsense, there's more than one way to skin a cat!

And after just a little searching, I found several programs! They are very nice,very convenient pay-per-click programs that have a lot of potential to humble the... not so humble.
For example I found (and quickly signed up for) Bidvertisers ,what I really like about this one is that they send your payments to your paypal account and the minimum payment is only $10! Very convenient for me. Its the same as adsense, you get paid per clicks on the advertisement. Except perhaps they have less of an ego.

I am also checking out kontera, it is also a pay per click program that is also successful in the field.

So if ever you get a strange email that tells you your adsense account is terminated for strange clicks, don't worry. Its not the end of the world , just a new beginning. Perhaps it will help you find new opportunities. So is it a scam? Probably not but still I'm left wondering.

Home business opportunity and inexpensive website!

Hi , back again with a new opportunity.

I know that finding a cheap but good place to park your website is hard thing these days. Well I found this website that offers an incredible deal. The site is called WebStarts. They offer you a FREE website to start and if you like the service you can get your own domain name and they host the site. The price for all this is $3.95 a month.

That's a good deal to me. They do ask that you pay for a year up front, but still that's like $48.00. Very competitive price.

That's not all however, they also offer a nice affiliate program. $25 dollars for each person that you sign up , makes a nice home business opportunity. Yes it's $3.95 a month , that's all you pay and that includes taxes. And they also give you $25 dollars worth of adwords! The Google Adwords Credit is $25 worth of free ads that will show your site on top of Google search results when people search for keywords and phrases that have to do with your business or website. Great to setup a SiteSell affiliate site!

I've already signed up and have a web site, but I'm in the process of moving and just don't have the time to really do anything with it. It's also the reason that this blog hasn't been updated as often as I would like,but almost finished with the move and will be able to update a lot more.

Let me 'splain No, there's too much. Let me sum up

Hi, just wanted to summarize what opportunities I have posted in the past week and some ways to implement them.

So you want a way to make money without an annoying boss telling you what to do and looking over your shoulder! OK , If you want to make money online then you have to have a blog or website, that's where Site Build It! comes in ,they are all about helping you start your online business and helping you manage it. They not only help you with figuring out what it is you want in an online business they help execute it and they are great at what they do. A complete package.

So you say “I already have a website..” so that's where “Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet!” comes in. They will help you get your business up and running, they will share tips and strategies that will help you succeed, and its Guaranteed!

And that's not all, we have some affiliate programs that are totally legit and very profitable. The first offering is clickbank, the electronic marketplace. This is where people with e-books or online services can sell them and you can make a lot of commission. Its great but you must check out what you try to sell , its not ALL worth selling. So great commission but must check out before your readers/customers get burned.

Another very lucrative affiliate program is SiteSell's affiliate program ! Not only is it incredibly profitable it also supply's the affiliates with SEVERAL different ways to profit from it. From many different splash pages to offline real world promotional material. I have never seen another program that supports its affiliates like this program.

And then if you want something far away from websites and the internet, we have Disciple's Cross. If you want to work with your hands and have an income that is based in the real world then this is it. Great buy back program and great quality crosses that you can easily sell to merchants or just about anybody. I know people who have given them away to family and a few close friends and suddenly they have more orders then they can keep up with.

So that's all for last week, but this is just the beginning. Keep checking back to see what other programs I will have on here. I keep this updated several times a week! I always post the best sites and programs and check them out so you don't have too.

Check ya guys later!

Make a website! ...About what?

Hay I'm back with another review!

This time its a very in depth system called “Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet! I have checked it out and its VERY impressive, it doesn't matter if you have no computer or business experience... it doesn't matter if you don't have a business or product idea... and it doesn't matter what your current financial situation is !

The System helps you...

  • decide what you should sell!!
  • EASILY get a sales website live
  • Attract your first visitor
  • take credit card payments!
  • Ramp up sales & traffic quickly!
  • Automate your business to be hands free.

So this is a sample of what you will find within this amazing course!

  • How to use powerful automated research tools to quickly multiply your hobbies and interests into Hundreds of potential business ideas!

  • Seven best ways to make money from a website!

And lots more, I mean if you have trouble thinking of what to market , this will help! Don't have traffic, this will help. It will give you all the knowledge and tools to succeed you just need to apply the elbow grease(that means work) , Great package for a great price!! I can tell you this has been a great help in my business.

Ohh yea , and it has a 90 DAY 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE !!!

That's how much they trust the product and how much I believe in it too.

Click all the way to the bank? or NOT?


Hay , back again with another great opportunity!

Its ClickBank! ClickBank is an electronic marketplace that authors or programmers put the products that they make for sale. These products are all electronic, such as pdf files or electronic services and that sort of electronic merchandise. So what makes clickbank better then other marketplaces, like Amazon? The affiliate program in amazon pays like 2%. If you sell a $30 or $40 dollar book on Amazon, you can only make $2 to $1.50 commission on it. That's just the cost of doing business with 'real' merchandise. Amazon has to pay the author, the shipping (in most cases), Amazon gets a cut, and other people in the mix, so your like the sixth one down the list.

However with a electronic marketplace like click bank, things are a lot different. Just you the author and clickbank. So the commission can be up to 40% or even 75%!! Because the overhead is so low, you get wild crazy commission percentages. Like if you take my example of a $40 dollar book, you can make $20 maybe $30 dollars on just one book.

Now that's the good side of clickbank, but the downside is that there is a LOT OF CRAP on clickbank. E-books are so easy to create. Anybody with a program to make pdf files can go all over the web, gather facts and regurgitate them into a book and sell it for $50.00!! So you need to be very careful with what you promote on your site. So if I see something that I think would be useful to my readers , I personally would buy the e-book and check it out before I put it up on my blog or website. It's far better for you to get burned then for your followers/visitors to get it and you lose credibility. I see it this way, if the book is crap, it as an investment into your business. I see the affiliate sites as a business, and that's just the cost of doing business. Write it off on your taxes.

To recap, I don't go on clickbank looking for e-books that pay the most commission. I look for books that my readers will be interested in and that will be helpful to them. Then I download them and read the book from cover to cover. If its crap I try to return it,(yep clickbank has a nice return policy) , but even if that's not possible, I would rather I get the hit then my readers. If its great then I will post it and with confidence promote it and post my reviews. So I hope this has helped in clearing up what clickbank is and does. The upside and the downside. See ya next time.

What I found today! !

Today I have found a site with a VERY profitable affiliate program!

Its called SiteSell , SiteSell's affiliate program pays a generous $75 per Site Build It! sale, plus residuals on all yearly renewals. Not only that but SiteSell also puts a lot of time and energy into helping affiliates.

I’ve never known another affiliates program to offer so many tools to help their affiliates make sales. From videos with your affiliate links embedded in them to over 60 landing pages, this program has it all.

So is it legit? The answer would have to be yes! No scam alert on this one, all I could find is people that used the products and affiliate program and are very happy with both. This does not mean that it's a magic bullet, a money button online that you can just push and make money. They give you the tools, lots of them, but it's up to you to put in the work. A profitable online business is a lot of work even with the best online tools.

They really invest a lot of time and work into helping you as much as possible to make money. Also I must say that the product that they sell is outstanding. “Site Build It!” Is a very powerful package to help you get your online business off the ground. Not only does Site Build It! help you build a website but also it helps you manage your online business!

They really work hard to help you succeed on your online business. Its so good that over half of Site Build It! owners purchase more than one SBI! Once you become an affiliate and refer a customer that customer is yours for a lifetime, you earn commissions on those multiple sales. And, of course, on their renewals, too!

Its an excellent affiliate program from a group of people that help you succeed so that they can succeed. I can't recommend this affiliate program or Site Build It! More.

Well that's all for today, will be back soon with more legit opportunities !!

Craft making opportunity !legit!

Welcome to my blog , and to my very first blog!

Today I have a review of an opportunity , a hidden gem that most people don't know about.
The opportunity is Disciple's Cross .

It is a Christian craft site that I found during my endless searching online to find legit opportunities.
As stated on the site :

"Disciple's Cross™ was started as a craft idea at a summer youth camp in the early 90's. I was continually able to meet the growing demand for my Disciple's Cross™ necklaces, until my appearance on the Emmy Award winning CBS television show, Survivor: Thailand.

After wearing one of my unique, hand-made crosses on the show, interest skyrocketed and there was no way I could meet the demand myself. I need your help and I'm willing to pay you well for it. Read on to learn how you can earn up to $2,000 in pure profit each month with the Disciple's Cross™ opportunity."

Now I know what your thinking, its a craft scam, just like the multitude of other ones out today, but this one is legit! I have looked online to find any type of scam alert or any complaints but have found none. As far as i can see it is legit, and I am in the process of actually signing up for it!

The potential is very nice, you can make 2,000 a month making crosses, potentially more if you sell to stores (Christian book stores come to mind) or if you sell to the public. Here is how it works from the site. :

"Our Guaranteed Buy Back Program ensures that you never have to leave the comfort of your home to earn a healthy income. When you send in your finished crosses, I will pay you $1.25 for each cross that meets our quality standards, plus an additional $1.00 each for material reimbursement. I will also send you up to $5.00 per unit of 50 as reimbursement for your mailing expenses.

In order to control my inventory and avoid unethical sweat-shop operations, I limit the number of units to eight units of 50 per week, per producer (400 crosses). This gives you the ability to earn up to $500 in pure profit."

So really when have you heard of a scam that limits how much you can buy from them? However it does have a down side. It takes a lot of practice to make a cross in five min. and to reach the $2000 a month target you will have to make it that fast. You will need to make an assembly line of sorts. Selling to the public and stores would make reaching the mark a lot easier.

Well it's not a 'Get rich quick' trap, but it is real and legit.

I hope that you have enjoyed this blog and hope you will return for the next one.

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