Just wanted to talk some about Site Build It! Below , A program I am about to start and that I am very excited about.
Why? well because SBI! makes online business success do-able. Anyone can succeed with an all-in-one process, tools, and guidance. The process is simplified to such a degree that success (i.e., profits, not the mere presence of a Web site) is achievable even for a beginner. For an experienced person, achieving success is even smoother.
I mean its just not a "site builder."
You don't need to worry about looking for separate hosting, paying for a separate keyword research tool, handling site submissions, integrating autoresponders, etc., etc. See the full list of features here -- pick the most relevant ones for you and your reader. SBI! removes the technical barriers allowing you to keep your attention on building your business. Many functions are completely automated. You don't need to know anything upfront about building a Web site in order to succeed. The tedious, "under-the-hood" stuff is handled automatically so you can focus on other important business-building activities.
(If you want to learn how Elad is doing, click here )
Too many non-SBI! sites start without profits being "built into" the process from DAY 1. It all begins with the right process. Content Traffic
Monetize is the underlying, logical and powerful process that capitalizes upon the fundamental realities of how people use the Web. C
M puts you on a solid, profitable business foundation.
Not sure what to call your new website?
What name would give you the best chance to succeed?SBI! includes domain name analysis, optimization, and registration. You will develop the best name for maximum profitability in your niche. (It's often different than what you had planned.)
Search engine traffic!
To announce your site to Search Engines, you need to submit a specialized file called a "Sitemap XML" file. SBI! does it all automatically, a huge time saver, that enables you to quickly achieve wider distribution and attract more targeted free traffic.
Search Engine spider/listing/ranking reports let you see how your pages are being handled by the Search Engines. You can see what pages rank best and drive traffic. Each report's insights help you to determine how to increase traffic and monetization. Most pros don't have easy and reliable access to this type of information.
Traffic Stats and Click Analysis help you understand what your visitors like most. Understanding them helps you know what to write about, which in turn leads to more and more business.
SBI! includes Value Exchange (VE) for finding and managing high value inbound links (another criteria for ranking highly at the engines and building traffic). This automated inbound link-building tool saves time for what is otherwise a tedious time-sucker.
SBI! includes an easy-to-use form builder with autoresponders. You can build contact forms, surveys, and polls to easily communicate with your visitors. You don't need to use your e-mail address, which attracts spam. Experienced users will appreciate no longer needing separate form-building tools. Having these tools all in one place saves time and expense, too.
List-building and e-mail marketing are included (usually these expensive features are bought separately). Sign up visitors to your e-zine subscription list and then mail an issue to them. This repeat exposure builds a stronger bond with your visitors and allows for direct promotions to them. Deeper PREselling = More Monetization.
Automatic site blogging turns your site into a blog easily. You'll enjoy all the benefits of a blog without needing extra skills or additional software. For those experienced with blogging, auto-pinging for your SBI! blog keeps your site on the Search Engines' radar. All of this helps attract more traffic.
SBI! has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee. It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.
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