
90 day mark, and then some

Hay just wanted to let everyone know that this blog has been up and running for 94 days! I've been so busy that I didn't even notice. I really have developed a new appreciation for bloggers. This business is REALLY hard work. It has its down side and upside and so many different areas to keep track of. I really think one blogger has to do the work of an entire office!

The blogger has to create content: That in itself has many sub levels, research, 'getting ideas' , then putting it down in a way that wont be confusing, but easy to understand and so on.

Marketing: The blogger has to do all the marketing, that means commenting on other blogs,forums, getting involved with link exchanges, marketing on social media twitter,facebook, myspace and the multitude of others. Payed advertising, adwords and so on.

Webmaster: That includes finding and installing all the new gadgets out there , I think this one could be a full time job in itself. Updating code to a better layout. Most of the time you have to be your own tech support.

Learning: Never ends, always keeping up with the new techniques and ways to make the above jobs easier and more productive.

Make Money: And last but by no means least, the point of the whole exercise for most bloggers, to make money. Perhaps the most difficult for the beginning blogger, and extremely time consuming.

Yet I find I really like it lol. I think because with so many jobs one has no time or opportunity to become bored. If I get bored I just move on to one of my other jobs that probably is in serious need of my attention. All in all its been a great adventure and learning process that I have really enjoyed. Anyway will Post after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Have all a Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless.

If I've missed a job in the multitude above, please do comment about it. Thanks.


Programs that just dont work, or are fake..

Back again ,
wanted to bring a progress report of sorts to the blog. A report on the affiliate programs that I have talked about on here before. How they did, what the cost was and if the program was profitable. Now I'm fairly sure that if you threw enough money at these programs they probably could work ,but that's not the goal of this site. This site is to bring you profitable affiliate programs you don't have to be rich to use. So on my modest budget I gave these programs a try and they flopped, fizzled and were overall duds. So here is my list of shame!!!

My dish biz

Not one red cent out of this one. They say that they advertise for you for 1 year for free, and by all indications this is true, however not sure who or where they advertise but nobody is buying dish network from them. In little less then 60 days I had about 500 visitors, and about 1500 page views and no sales at all . Many people online have said that if you think about all the people that have signed up for this one and that have identical affiliate pages that they are advertising for, that this could be the reason the sales are so low, and that the chances of you getting your page anywhere near the top of google or yahoo or any other search engine are remote at best. Granted I didn't launch an all out marketing campaign , I didn't get adwords or anything else, I promoted it on twitter and here and other places. I didn't do any offline marketing either. Offline could be where its at with this program but I have a very limited budget and even more limited time. So I have applied to get my money back, it comes with a guarantee, so I will be letting you know if they give me my money back or if this is a scam after all.


Well not sure why this one failed. No body signed up for this one, it gives you a website of your own and an affiliate program that could generate nice cash if you get enough sign ups. I did notice that after I signed up , that the tools they offer to help you with your website were not as good as the competition. The company is geared for making money and getting people to sign up, not necessarily to help you build a site. Again I'm sure if I had thousands to spend on a marketing campaign I could have generated nice money from this one but that's out of my budget range. I believe in these economic times people don't have thousands to spend on a risky internet venture.

Acme People Search

This one kind of fizzled when I had to cancel my GDI website. It never made any money and it just seemed very cheesy to me. Even the name sounds cheesy 'Acme', what am I? Wile E. Coyote ? Anyway, this one also claimed it would take care of the advertising, I got hits on it, just no sales. But the components of the website were very interesting. I think I could make a site just like it(well with a better layout and name ofcourse) set up a pay per search box and some links to clickbank products that would interest the people who are visiting the site. At least I got some good ideas from it, perhaps for a new site of my own.

Thats it for now, check back next time...


0 investment! free advertising, great opportunity

Hi, just wanted to talk more about 'the bar', I spoke on it briefly in my last post. Well wanted to let you in on something , this bar is very interesting with lots of potential and I want us to give it a good try, you get seven levels of down line so that means basically that if you sign up 10 people and they sign up 10 people all 7 levels down, you are making around the ball park of 40k a month! Now not sure about you but thats the park I want to be in.

So here is where the free advertising comes in!
For a limited time , I will put up on my site a banner for the bar. Now if you sign up with me in this, and by the way the program is free and totally non intrusive(you wont know its there), I will put the ad with your member number! So I will have a rotating banner with your member number in there getting traffic and clicks while you surf! Rotating from member to member.
Click here.

I will help build your downline!

Why? Well because the more I help you the more I get paid! Very simple :)
I mean its free and I've forgotten its there, just spend maybe 2min a day clicking on ads for a potential $40k a month! Where you going to find that online?

So will be back next time with another great opportunity!

Non Intrusive And Free income stream

Found a new app that has alot of potential, its called the powerbar . Its basically a small , non intrusive bar that you put on your browser. You hit it, it drops a bunch of ads and you click and boom you get paid! That's really not where the money comes in, you get alot more from sharing it with others, you get some of what others make so it can snow ball into a very serious and significant income stream.

So got a site, Now what?

So now as to what we have so far, So we have some apps to get us started and we have lots of great webmasters to help us on the way and we have a website so whats next? Well next you need to figure out what you want the site to be about. I would choose the several programs I have listed before and set up a landing page or a capture page at your new site. Then start a blog to promote it and get traffic to it. Websites are a lot different then blogs. They are more static then blogs and in that way easier compared to blogs. This free tutorial is ideal for those of you who want to learn how to create a business or personal website from scratch. Download here.

Well hope thats been helpful, will return with more great opportunities to help with your online business ,so check back often.

Pick the hosting company that pays you back!

Back with the continuation,

So doesn't matter what you learn and do if you don't have a website to make money with. I have chosen affiliate marketing as my primary source of income for my online business.
Well lots of hosting companies have come up over the years, so which one do you choose?


GDI is an amazing hosting company. First lets get the investment part over with, its only $10 a month. That's it, no registration fee, no processing fee, nothing. Just $10 and you get your own web site that you can design yourself, a personalized address on the world wide web, and up to 10 custom email accounts! So yea that's great,but whats the diff from this and godaddy for example. Well its the affiliate program they offer! They pay you to get people signed up! First they give you $100 bonus for every 5 people that you sign up in a week,that is unlimited! so if you sign up 15 people in a week you make $300. They have alot more bonuses, but that's not all either!

Residual Income is where its at! ;)

On top of the bonuses you get residual income! You get $1 for every person every month, yea yea I know, a dollar? Yes! you get 5 levels of down line! that means if you get 30 people signed up and those people get just 2 more people and so on, for 5 levels, you get around $1000 a month! Lots of people get alot more then just 30 , check this video out to see the real potential of this awsome program!

Just a $10 investment!
I mean its really great opportunity for just a small investment, can you afford to let this one go?
I have signed up with them and here is my site with the video so you can see that this is a very serious and legit online business opportunity. And its free for the first 7 days!

Well , I'll be back soon to show you more online opportunities.

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