
Who Is John Galt!

Helos, just wanted to let every one know that Atlas Shrugged is out today! I wish it the best of luck. I read the book not so long ago and it was very impressive. I wish I had what it took to start a business but apparently I am not strong enough to do it. The book was great but it did tend to drag at times( Galt's 60 something  page speech would be one). However even with all that it was a great book. I highly recommend getting it.

Now then as far as my business, I am continuing to taken a break so far. I have escaped into a mmorg called 'Shaiya'. Its free and it is holding my attention so far. I have checked my accounts and am not surprised to find it at $0.0. I don't mean to be so glum but it just dosn't seem that I will ever make a sale. But I still have hope,  I'm just going to focus on real life jobs, as I said I could make more flipping burgers at MCD then doing this full time. So I have sent out several applications to jobs listed on  but have yet to see any replies. I have much hope that I will find a job on the list. God willing I will have an income soon.

Tell next time true believers

Here is the trailer for the movie, Who is John Galt!

I give up

Yep, thats it for my attempt to make money online(for now). It just is not working for me. I don't understand how others do it, or maybe I'm just lazy. I don't know, I don't care anymore about stupid SEO or key words or any of that bull. I've had it. I have made a precious $0.0 online. Sure I signed up to multiple survey lists, paid emails. I got the stupid $5 bonus for signing up but then what?!? The min to take out 'your' money is like $50. But of course most of the surveys and emails don't go over .05 cents. So I get 5 cents on a stupid survey that they want me to take a screening survey for first, which I don't pass. Then they just keep the $5 while I fill out survey after survey for free. Of course I don't fall for that anymore.

So here I am with my blog, that nobody visits and now what. I tried the affiliate thing as you can see from the advertisement on the right and top. I tried not to go overboard with it. I tried to help people with usefull content, at least I thought it was usefull. I got 10 squidoo pages that have brought me a whopping $0.0. I opened up a Zazzle store ( See my store at Zazzle ) and I'm just so burned out right now I cant come up with anything to put on it.

I got bills pileing up and I'm SO TIRED OF BEING BROKE! Really!, I mean artists are not the only ones starving! I don't know if its me or what, I don't know if maybe I'm not focused enough or maybe I don't know enough. I mean people do make money on here right? Don't they? What is it they do? Maybe its because they invest money into this, and I have none to invest. I don't have money for a website or ppc advertising or anything, I don't have money to put in gas RIGHT NOW in my car much less to pay google to bring me some clicks that most likely will end with me getting nothing for them.

I don't know what to do anymore, I'm so tired of thinking of marketing and SEO and Google and all that stuff, I just want to do what I want and write what I want to write.The country and the world are going to pot, soon a loaf of bread will be around $10 bucks, so will gas, just check out Glenn Beck he will give you all you need to know. I know that Jesus will return soon and that it will be great when He is here but for now I keep praying and praying. I mean right now I would take any type of job. Gonna head over to Craig's list and check out if they have any jobs available for me in my area. I'm good at fixing computers and cleaning viruses but dosn't seem that I'm good enough because I keep sending out resumes and nobody calls back.

This blog (can it be called a blog if nobody but the author reads it?) will now just be me complaining and moaning about anything and everything. I NEED A JOB. Sorry I have outbursts sometimes when I get bummed. Anyway, so this will be my journal of sorts, I will keep later posts up if you are interested in getting some nice offers. I still think squidoo is a good place to make money and also Zazzle has potential too but I'm so tired of trying and trying and getting no results. I mean I would make more money as a burger flipper at McD then doing this full time. The kicker is I am about as successful trying to find a job as I am making money online. fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

Wow - Talk About BIG Traffic From "Small" Efforts...

I recently came across a traffic strategy that had completely crossed my mind previously - viral marketing by creating basic freeware applications and then submitting them to the major software directories (like

There's a guy named Chris Rempel who's using freeware programs to generate literally thousands of "downloaders" (visitors) daily, and he's making a mint by promoting affiliate programs with that traffic.

He claims his best day so far was when one of his freeware applications got downloaded about 22,000 times in 24 hours, bringing in about $9,100.00 in affiliate commissions!

Thing is, he's not even a programmer...

Check out his specific strategy for doing this - it's the first of his 5 "hands-off" traffic techniques ,just Click Here!

Myth of do what you love and money will follow

The Two Biggest Reasons Why Most People Will Never Make a Full-Time Income Online...

It all starts when some well-meaning (yet misdirected) person encourages a budding internet entrepreneur to "start in a niche they know alot about", or base their business around "something they're passionate about"...

Heard enough? just Click Here!

As horrible as it may sound - they've unknowingly sent the hopeful entrepreneur down a path of false expectations, poor results and eventually - failure. In fact, the myth of "do what you love and the money will follow" has been responsible for more failure than likely any other influence - perhaps even more so than laziness or a lack of perseverance.

Because the simple truth of the matter is that the only way you're going to make real money on the net is if your business is based around two crucial things:

1) Large Demand

2) Buyers

In other words - you aren't going to get rich selling a $15 ebook about growing square watermelons - even though that might be a great passion of yours.

The demand just isn't there. Maybe there's a few searches a day on Google for the topic, and perhaps there's some interest in the online "gardening enthusiast" communities - but you'd be hard-pressed to make even a few hundred dollars a month from ebook sales.

Get lots more free info, Click Here!

Similarly, you also aren't going to have a particularly easy time getting rich by building websites about some seemingly "popular" topics like humor, jokes, funny pictures and so on. And while there are a few ways to "monetize" your site (with AdSense, CPA Offers, CPM Banners, etc.), it takes literally millions of website visitors to make even just a few thousand dollars in markets like that.

The demand is huge - but the visitor value is extremely low...

Instead, if you want to make it big online - pulling down an impressive six-figure income - you need to tap into markets with tons of demand, where the majority of the visitors are valuable.

You need to capture tons of traffic that wants to buy something. If you take this approach, you'd practically have to hijack your own order links (or affiliate links) not to make a sizeable income.

In fact - did you know that some affiliates make several thousand dollars daily just by promoting a single product in hot markets? (Just imagine what the merchant is making...)

In some markets there's actually so much demand that the vendors are quite literally selling over a thousand units - or more - per day. Digital products, with practically zero overhead/delivery cost.

But it all comes back to tapping into valuable demand. In most cases, it takes no extra effort or "skill" to market to a valuable market than it does to struggle along with something you're passionate about.

These two factors - demand and buying traffic - are what seperate the "wannabe" marketers from the millionaires. Because there's no real secret - you just need to sell what thousands of people are already buying.

The ball is now officially in your court. Are you tapping into markets with massive, valuable demand?

Or are you struggling to simply make a few dollars occasionally with a business that's based on your own passionate interests?


Chris Rempel, author of "Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate", reveals 5 of his most effective traffic strategies and niche-targeting tactics in full detail Here

Positive Impact of Squidoo on Traffic!

So what is Squidoo?
Hay guys, just wanted to talk about Squidoo. Its very cool, basically you just set up a web page on there,normally static page, and that's it. It really becomes powerful when you realize that you have NO LIMIT to the amount of pages that you can make and that its FREE. Those are my two favorite terms right now! Lots of people make a hundred or two hundred pages! Can you imagine that, it sounds a bit much but it really can be an incredible income source if done correctly.

So how do you make money with Squidoo?
You can sell products on your page from Ebay ,Amazon or Clickbank and more. This is a very exciting opportunity when you consider you make up to %60 profit on the products on Clickbank. Also the ad revenue from the Adsense is divided between the lens masters. This is very cool considering the amount of people that have been droped by google, you can get back into the google ads game. Also as I said you can make as many lenses as you want, several hundred is what I'm trying for.

So whats this about traffic?
Well lots of people on Squidoo among lots of other things they make sites(lenses) about the blog or website that they have, and this way they get more 'traffic juice' from Squidoo. They have several lenses and links on them that direct traffic to there sites so it really does build traffic.

So hay its free and it generates money as well as traffic for your main site. So check it out HERE
until next time,

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